Summer 2020

Happiness, Love, and Friendship

The Body and Happiness: An Augustinian Synthesis

José Granados

“[T]he body possesses a radical alterity: it precedes us and does not permit itself to be molded by our projects.”

The Upward Pursuit of Happiness in Bonaventure's Itinerarium mentis in Deum

Jonathan Bieler

“The ascetic is the ultimate hedonist, as it were, because he believes in a form of intelligible pleasure and happiness that constitute true human fulfillment.”

Aquinas and Palamas on the Border between This Life and the Next: An Instance of Gestalt Theology

Antoine Lévy

“As Max Weber famously showed in the case of Protestantism, it is wrong to think that theological ideas have no impact on society due to their high level of abstraction. This is especially true of powerful and successful theological ideas.”

The Synthetic Transcendental: Love of the Beautiful as Integrating Intellect and Will

Matthew Newell

“[V]irtue is . . . the ligature uniting the hiddenness of the good and the revelation of the beautiful, which somehow finds the always-superabundant, always-more-other, never-enclosable essence of the Creator in the ontological depths of the human image.”

Does Goodness Require Another? On an Underappreciated Corner of Aquinas’s Trinitarian Theology

Michael Joseph Higgins

“God’s supreme goodness is unique because, as uniquely perfect, it cannot be enjoyed at all without companionship.”