Spring 2013

Catholicity and Education (photocopy)

Introduction: Catholicity and Education

The Spring, 2013 edition of Communio is dedicated to the themes of “Catholicity” and “Education.” We continue our series devoted to the mystery of the Church as one, holy, catholic, and apostolic with the theme of “Catholicity.”. . .

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Athens – Jersualem – Rome

Rémi Brague

“Rome—which plays just as decisive a role as [Athens and Jerusalem] . . . is the driving force of the Western cultural adventure.”

Becoming Catholic: John Henry Newman

Olivier de Berranger

“To return to the Church as the apostles and the Fathers understood it was one requirement of the spiritual life, of real-life communion, of a devotion that was at the same time humble and drawn from the sources, of a Christian éthos, of agreement between dogma and life, in a word, of holiness.”

The Courage to Educate

Robert Spaemann

“In the scientized praxis of life, education becomes a foreign body.”

Trinity Spermatiké: The Veiled Perception of a Pagan World (Part 2)

Giorgio Buccellati

“Both the stark denial and the more thinly veiled perception of a pagan world reflect . . . the irrepressible irruption of a divine presence that cannot be but trinitarian.”

The Absoluteness of Christianity and the Catholicity of the Church

Hans Urs von Balthasar

“The Church is fully catholic inasmuch as Christ, who suffered for all, Jews and Gentiles, and rose as the paradigmatic new man for all, wills to pour out the fullness of salvation . . . into his Church.”

Faith and the Multiversity

George Grant

“[T]hose who come to the multiversity with some memory, some intuition, some dense loyalty for the eternal good are faced with the modern paradigm which excludes the possibility of such.”