D. C. Schindler
D. C. Schindler is professor of metaphysics and anthropology at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America.
- Notes Toward the Definition of Memory - Volume 50.2 (Summer 2023)
- Hearts of Flesh: A Meditation on Human Nature and the Language That Gives Life - Volume 49.3 (Fall 2022)
- The Natural Supernaturality of Marriage - Volume 49.2 (Summer 2022)
- Catholic Politics and the Analogy of Authority - Volume 48.4 (Winter 2021)
- Restoring Faith in Culture - Volume 48.2 (Summer 2021)
- Mediation: The Distinguishing Mark of Christianity - Volume 48.1 (Spring 2021)
- The Exclusivity of Gender and the Gift of Motherhood - Volume 46.2 (Summer 2019)
- The Word as the Center of Man’s Onto-Dramatic Task - Volume 46.1 (Spring 2019)
- Homo Viator, Puer in Patria: On Ferdinand Ulrich’s Philosophical Anthropology of Childhood - Volume 45.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2018)
- Taking Truth for Granted: A Reflection on the Significance of Tradition in Josef Pieper - Volume 44.4 (Winter 2017)
- Love and Beauty, the “Forgotten Transcendental,” in Thomas Aquinas - Volume 44.2 (Summer 2017)
- Perfect Difference: Gender and the Analogy of Being - Volume 43.2 (Summer 2016)
- “Unless You Become a Philosopher . . . ”: On God, Being, and Reason’s Role in Faith - Volume 43.1 (Spring 2016)
- Work as Contemplation: On the Platonic Notion of Technê - Volume 42.4 (Winter 2015)
- The Crisis of Marriage as a Crisis of Meaning: On the Sterility of the Modern Will - Volume 41.2 (Summer 2014)
- The Healthy and the Holy - Volume 41.3 (Fall 2014)
- On Reason’s Authority - Volume 41.1 (Spring 2014)
- Liberalism, Religious Freedom, and the Common Good: The Totalitarian Logic of Self-Limitation - Volume 40.2 (Summer-Fall 2013)
- On the Universality of the University: A Response to Jean-Luc Marion - Volume 40.1 (Spring 2013)
- “Ever Ancient, Ever New”: Jesus Christ as the Concrete Analogy of Being - Volume 39.1 (Spring-Summer 2012)
- Analogia Naturae: What Does Inanimate Matter Contribute to the Meaning of Life? - Volume 38.4 (Winter 2011)
- Enriching the Good: Toward the Development of a Relational Anthropology - Volume 37.4 (Winter 2010)
- On Experience and Reason - Volume 37.2 (Summer 2010)
- Why Socrates Didn’t Charge: Plato and the Metaphysics of Money - Volume 36.3 (Fall 2009)
- Restlessness as an Image of God - Volume 34.2 (Summer 2007)
- Why We Need Paul Claudel - Volume 34.1 (Spring 2007)
- Truth and the Christian Imagination: The Reformation of Causality and the Iconoclasm of the Spirit - Volume 33.4 (Winter 2006 )
- The Redemption of Eros: Philosophical Reflections on Benedict XVI’s First Encyclical - Volume 33.3 (Fall 2006)
- ‘Wie kommt der Mensch in die Theologie?’: Heidegger, Hegel, and the Stakes of Onto-Theo-Logy - Volume 32.4 (Winter 2005)
- Surprised by Truth: The Drama of Reason in Fundamental Theology - Volume 31.4 (Winter 2004)
- Freedom Beyond Our Choosing: Augustine on the Will and Its Objects - Volume 29.4 (Winter 2002)