Hahn, Scott W. Normative and Performative: The Authority of Scripture in the Thought of Benedict XVI - Volume 50.4 (Winter 2023) The Symphony of the Old and New Testaments in the Biblical Theology of Benedict XVI - Volume 37.3 (Fall 2010)
Hammes, John A. Psychological, Philosophical, and Moral Aspects of Biogenetic Engineering - Volume 05.2 (Summer 1978 )
Hanby, Michael Synodality, Sociologism, and the Judgment of History - Volume 48.4 (Winter 2021) American Revolution as Total Revolution: Del Noce and the American Experiment - Volume 48.3 (Fall 2021) The Descent of Man: On Evolution and the Devolution of Nature, History, and Truth - Volume 46.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2019) Technology and Time - Volume 43.3 (Fall 2016) Gospel of Creation and the Technocratic Paradigm: Reflections on a Central Teaching of Laudato Si’ - Volume 42.4 (Winter 2015) Reconceiving the Organism: Why American Catholic Bioethics Needs a Better Theory of Human Life - Volume 41.3 (Fall 2014) Absolute Pluralism: How the Dictatorship of Relativism Dictates - Volume 40.2 (Summer-Fall 2013) Creation Without Creationism: Toward a Theological Critique of Darwinism - Volume 30.4 (Winter 2003) The Logic of Love and the Unity of Catholic Truth: Reflections on Deus caritas est - Volume 33.3 (Fall 2006) Homo Faber and/or Homo Adorans: On the Place of Human Making in a Sacramental Cosmos - Volume 38.2 (Summer 2011) Aggiornamento and the Sciences: What Does It Mean? - Volume 39.1 (Spring-Summer 2012) A New Reformation? - Volume 36.3 (Fall 2009) The Culture of Death, the Ontology of Boredom, and the Resistance of Joy - Volume 31.2 (Summer 2004 )
Hanink, James G. Karol Wojtyła: Personalism, Intransitivity, and Character - Volume 23.2 (Summer 1996)
Harvey, John F. On Understanding Human Sexuality: A Critique of the C.T.S.A. Study - Volume 04.3 (Fall 1977) Law and Personalism - Volume 02.1 (Spring 1975)
Hauerwas, Stanley America’s God - Volume 34.3 (Fall 2007) How Risky Is The Risk of Education? Random Reflections from the American Context - Volume 30.1 (Spring 2003)