Behr, John The Spirit and the Bride Say “Come”: The Eschatological Dimensions of the Liturgy - Volume 38.3 (Fall 2011)
Bell, Daniel M. , Jr. The Insurrectional Reserve: Latin American Liberationists, Eschatology, and the Catholic Moment - Volume 27.4 (Winter 2000 )
Benestad, Brian In Reply to Richard John Neuhaus - Volume 16.4 (Winter 1989) On Richard John Neuhaus’s The Catholic Moment - Volume 15.4 (Winter 1988) An Introduction to the Work of Ernest Fortin - Volume 26.1 (Spring 1999) Response to Frederick Bauerschmidt’s “Theo-Drama and Political Theology” - Volume 25.3 (Fall 1998) Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation - Volume 13.3 (Fall 1986) The Catholic Concept of Social Justice: A Historical Perspective - Volume 11.4 (Winter 1984) The Political Vision of Pope John Paul II: Justice through Faith and Culture - Volume 08.1 (Spring 1981)
Beretta, Simona Wealth Creation and Distribution in the Global Economy: Human Labor, Development and Subsidiarity - Volume 27.3 (Fall 2000)
Bernanos, Georges Christianity and the Writer’s Task: Letter to Frédéric Lefèvre - Volume 28.1 (Spring 2001) Sermon of an Agnostic on the Feast of St. Thérèse - Volume 24.3 (Fall 1997) Journal Entries and Letters Recounting an Ecclesial Existence - Volume 23.2 (Summer 1996)
Bernardi, Peter J. Maurice Blondel and the Renewal of the Nature-Grace Relationship - Volume 26.4 (Winter 1999)