Fall 2001

Faith, Metaphysics, and the Sciences (photocopy)

Introduction: Faith, Metaphysics, and the Sciences

Adrian J. Walker

In his 1999 encyclical Fides et Ratio, Pope John Paul II affirms that "the human being can come to a unified and organic vision of knowledge" (FR, 85). The present issue of Communio explores two themes that, while at first sight seemingly unrelated, in fact converge in providing an opportunity to reflect on the nature of the unity that John Paul II insists human knowing can, indeed, must, attain in order to overcome the "fragmentation" that threatens the "interior unity" of the person (ibid).

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Christ and Cosmology: Methodological Reflections for Catholic Educators

Adrian J. Walker

Knowledge, the Transcendentals, and Communion

Juan Sara

Reflections on Theological Knowledge from the Perspective of the Charism of Unity

Piero Coda

The Word of God: A Catholic Perspective in Dialogue with Judaism and Islam

Roch Kereszty

The Breakdown of the Jewish-Catholic Historical Commission on the Role of Pius XII

Konrad Repgen