Retrieving the Tradition

The Mystery of the Liturgical Year: The Easter Liturgy

Louis Bouyer

“Our created nature is so bound up with this created time in which all living beings live that our being cannot be taken up into the divine unless the time which is connatural to us is also in some way taken up.”

The Problem of the Future: Total Secularization or a Return to Christian Culture

Christopher Dawson

The Defense of Man

William F. Lynch

“While it is surely not its business to discuss the ‘immediately moral’ in terms of case-book decisions, the whole business of art, where it is truly such, is in a sense more truly moral than morality itself when conceived in this traditional sense.”

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Remembering Jerzy Ciesielski

Karol Wojtyła Pope John Paul II

“In the years of the Council, as we meditated on the apostolate of the laity, and as the constitution ‘On the Church in the Modern World’ was in gestation, I often thought of Jerzy.”

Holiness in the Everyday

Adrienne von Speyr

“It is a tribute to the Father that the Son is perfect in his humanity, because the Son thereby justifies the Father’s creation. But his perfection is an act and an achievement of his love for the Father and for human beings. His love is so great that it is able to embody the Father’s holiness in human form.”

The Primacy of Contemplation: Contemplation as a Sociological Criterion

E.I. Watkin

Péguy and the Communion of Saints

Albert Béguin

All the saints—and all the faithful, and all sinners—form a continuous chain across the ages and this chain, in contrast to irreversible time, recovers its strength even as it unwinds.

Eucharist: Gift of Love

Hans Urs von Balthasar

The Eucharist is the thanksgiving of Christ to the Father in heaven that he has given him the ability to abandon himself for all—up to martyrdom and the descent into hell.

The Music of Eternity

Élisabeth-Paule Labat

"Speech will . . . become music and melt into the symphony of universal praise like an immense and endless 'Alleluia' voicing all worship, all adoration."

Hope and History

Josef Pieper

"In a word, the object of existential hope bursts the bounds of 'this' world."

Nature and Notes of the Church

Emile Mersch

"The unity of the Church is not a fitting together of parts, but a union of persons."

The Dispute Between Maximus the Confessor and Theodosius

Maximus the Confessor

"[W]hat reason could I give . . . for having denied the faith which saves those who cherish it, on account of human glory which has no substance?"

The Absoluteness of Christianity and the Catholicity of the Church

Hans Urs von Balthasar

“The Church is fully catholic inasmuch as Christ, who suffered for all, Jews and Gentiles, and rose as the paradigmatic new man for all, wills to pour out the fullness of salvation . . . into his Church.”

Faith and the Multiversity

George Grant

“[T]hose who come to the multiversity with some memory, some intuition, some dense loyalty for the eternal good are faced with the modern paradigm which excludes the possibility of such.”

The Presence of God

Jean Daniélou

“Through man the silent litany of things becomes an explicit act of worship.”

Christian Culture

Virgil Michel

“Catholic culture, if true to its inheritance, would include the sound concepts and traditions of all times, the best developments of human progress of all ages, and that in all the fields of human interest and endeavor.”

The Interventions of Karol Wojtyła at Vatican II

Angelo Scola

“The council, according to Wojtyła, should elaborate a firmly-grounded truth about man that testifies to how the religious aptitude is the fullness of man’s rationality, his fulfillment, and by no means his alienation.”

Madeleine Delbrêl: The Joy of Believing

Hans Urs von Balthasar

"The fact that all her world-changing power flowed from unceasing prayer in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, from a heart that never turned its gaze from God, is what makes her so profoundly relevant today."

The Promises of Christ to the Extremities of the Earth

Madeleine Delbrêl

"To go into the world . . . is to enter into the place, where, in a certain sense, God is not; to walk toward the unknown design of the redemption; to walk, a man in the midst of men, but a man indwelt by God."