Study Circles


1127 E. Muncie Ave.
Fresno, CA 93720

Contact: Peter Sean Bradley

2020 Update:

The Fresno Study Circle continued to meet in 2020. Due to Coronavirus restrictions, they postponed in-person meetings and instead met virtually via Zoom. This allowed them to expand their membership to subscribers in Chicago and other parts of the US. Mr. Peter Bradley, the Circle leader, informed us that a couple of refugees joined them from the San Diego Study Circle and are making fantastic contributions to their group.

They have continued meeting weekly: Thursdays at 7 pm (PST). Their focus remains to finish reading the Summa theologiae within their lifetime, and they have now reached part III, “On the Incarnation.” Moreover, they have read numerous articles in Communio and had a spirited discussion on Patripassianism. According to Mr. Bradley, “That is the kind of thing that gets our blood pressure ramped up.

If anyone is interested in joining their Circle meetings online, please contact Peter Sean Bradley ( to be sent their weekly Zoom invitation.